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Description, Instructions, and Tips for MS-Viewer


This document provides instructions for MS-Viewer.

Contents of this document:

MS-Viewer is software that allows sharing and visualization of proteomic results created by most search engines. It can be used for sharing results with colleagues, but it is most heavily used for making annotated spectra available for results that are part of a manuscript; a requirement of many proteomic journal publication guidelines. A video tutorial has been produced demonstrating the uploading of data and use of MS-Viewer. More detailed instructions for its use are outlined below.

MS-Viewer requires two types of input files: a peak list file that contains the spectrum information, and a results file that contains the peptide assignments to each spectrum. In some xml results formats, such as PRIDE XML, or database formats, such as Thermo msf files, both of these information types are stored in the same file. If the user has results in one of these formats then the single file can be uploaded as a results file.

The results should be in a single file, but if the dataset corresponds to multiple instrument runs, then multiple peak lists files can be uploaded together in any common archive file format. All of the common peak list formats are supported: mgf, mzData, pkl, dta, mzML, mzXML and ms2. Supported compressed and archive formats include .zip, .7z, .rar, .gz, .z, .bz2, .cmn, .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .taz and .tar.z. If your peak list is in a different format and you cannot easily produce one of the formats listed, then contact us () and we will try to assist you.

Unless uploading a supported database or XML format uploaded results files must be in either a tab-delimited text or comma-separated value format. Among the columns in this table there must be one containing peptide sequences (with modifications either within the sequence or as a separate column); one with spectrum identifiers that allow mapping between the results file and the uploaded peak list file/s; and one containing the precursor charge, which is used to determine which charge states should be considered when annotating the spectrum. A fraction column (containing the name of the relevant peak list file) is also required if multiple peak lists are uploaded. An arbitrary number of other columns containing any other information may also be present.

The uploaded results file may be compressed. Currently only multiple msf results files may be uploaded in as an archive file. These must be results from the same search algorithm so that the score columns are compatible.

Scan number, retention time, precursor m/z and spectrum number (order of spectra in peak list file) can be used as spectral identifiers. If retention time is used, make sure the retention time is reported to the same number of significant figures in the peak list file and results file. If precursor m/z is used, be aware that if there are multiple precursors in the peak list file with identical m/z then it may link to the wrong spectrum.

MS-Viewer expects peptide sequences to be in upper case, and if modifications on peptides are listed in the peptide sequence, they should be defined in round parentheses immediately after the modified residue. The only variation on this is that lower case s,t,y and m are interpreted as phosphorylations of ser, thr and tyr or met oxidation, respectively. The modification itself can either be expressed using the PSI-MOD standard nomenclature[11] (listed in Unimod), or it can be reported as a mass (if a mass is reported then this should be exact rather than nominal); e.g. methionine oxidation can be indicated as M(Oxidation) or M(15.995). A modification on the N- or C-terminus is represented by a - before or after the beginning or end residue; e.g. an acetylated protein N-terminal peptide could be listed as Acetyl-MDESTR. The modification can also be described in a different column using the format 'modification@residue_number_in_peptide_sequence'. Using this format it is also possible to represent ambiguous modification site localizations, which can then be displayed and compared in MS-Viewer. Potential ambiguous site localizations should be separated by a |, so if one wanted to represent that a phosphorylation could either be on the sixth or seventh residue in a peptide sequence assignment, then this would be indicated as 'phospho@6|7'. This format also supports neutral loss modifications (where the precursor is modified, but it is assumed that all fragments are unmodified); e.g. Sulfo@Neutral loss would be the most effective way to annotate a sulfated peptide spectrum.

Practically all search engines can produce a tab-delimited text or comma separated value output format. Conversion from one of these formats to a format that MS-Viewer will read can generally be achieved using a simple script or even using Microsoft Excel. This script can be run prior to submission to MS-Viewer, but it is also possible to automatically run scripts during the upload process and this has been enabled for several file formats. The user selects a 'Results File Format' from a list, and for the options other than Protein Prospector Tab Delimited or 'Other', a script will be run in the background to try to convert the relevant format on-the-fly. Example conversion scripts for Mascot CSV files, Thermo MSF viewer output files and X!Tandem Tab Delimited Text files are included in this document as examples. If the user has a file in a different format, and they write a script to enable conversion, then we would encourage them to send us the script (), so we may be able to incorporate this as a new format option for other users.

Below are listed instructions for how to use specific formats. However, there is also a video tutorial that users may find easier to follow than the descriptions below.

To create a Mascot csv results file, in your Mascot results output, specify 'Export Search Results', then click 'Format As':

On the following page, as Export format, specify 'CSV':

All other parameters can be left as default, then click on 'Export Search Results' at the bottom of the page.

Upon completing your search using X!Tandem you are presented with a protein summary report. To create the tab-delimited text file for MS-Viewer, first click on 'peptide' at the top of the report:

In the peptide report, specify as:'excel', then click 'go' to create the tab-delimited text output:

When uploading a MaxQuant data set the Results File Format should be set to MaxQuant. The Peak List File should be an archive file containing the apl files from the combined directory. The Results File should be the msms.txt file from the combined/txt directory. The Instrument Filter option can be used to select either ETD or CID spectra from the msms.txt file based on the contents of the Fragmentation column. If the uploaded report contains both CID and ETD spectra the end user will have to switch between the two by setting the Instrument parameter in the Display and Parameter Settings and then pressing Regenerate Report. If you filter the results in this way then you should only upload the relevant peak file files. During the upload process the apl files are converted to mgf files and the spectra are rearranged by fraction.

The Probability Limit option can be used to set the level at which a site assignment can be considered possible. The default value is 0.05, ie a 5% probability. If you set this to 0 then all potential sites are considered possible. If you set it to 1 then the site chosen is the one designated is the one in the Modified Sequence column of the msms.txt file. The ambiguous site infomation is passed through to the spectral viewer so that the evidence for a given site can be inspected.

If you select the Remove Replicates option then the report will be sorted and filtered to just retain the best spectrum for any given peptide sequence, modifications and precursor charge combination. This is the preferred option if you have a very large data set. Note that to filter the peak list files you also need to keep the Filter Saved Data checkbox checked when saving the data set. If you do this the sizes of the saved peak list files will typically be much smaller and the spectral display will be faster.

If your msms.txt file has a Labelling State column you need to select the appropriate option from the SILAC Labels menu.

Any constant modifications need to be set on the MS Viewer form.

Once the data has been uploaded you might want to remove some columns from the default display and apply some sort and/or filtering options before saving the data set.

The script used to process the msms.txt file is listed here.

Brief instructions:

1). Bring up the MS-Viewer page:

2). Put the apl files in a zip file and select the zip file using the Peak List File Browse button.

3). Select the msms.txt file using the Results File Browse button.

4). Set the Results File Format option to MaxQuant

5). Set the appropriate SILAC labels from the SILAC labels button. You do not need to upload the summary.txt file.

6). The Instrument Filter option is only relevant if your data set contains both ETD and HCD data.

7). If you want to significantly reduce the size of the report and improve the speed of spectrum display, check the Remove Replicates checkbox. This retains only the best scoring peptide for any combination of peptide sequence, modifications and precursor charge.

8). Set any appropriate Constant Modification. Typically this would be Carbamidomethyl (C).

9). Set an appropriate Frag Tol and Instrument.

10). Press the Upload New Results Green button.

11). Check some of the spectral links. If you are satisfied save the data set. At the top of the report open up the Display and Parameter Setting section. Check Save Settings and then Regenerate Report.

For other file formats the user needs to tell the software which column contains the spectral identifier, peptide sequence, peptide modifications (if not in peptide sequence), precursor charge and peak list file name (if multiple peak list files were uploaded). Most of the parameters required here are self-explanatory. We describe a few of them below:

Num Title Lines: Some results formats have lines at the top that do not contain results (e.g. it may list search parameters used). Specify here how many rows should be ignored.

Num Header Lines: Indicate the number of rows that are column header lines.

For these formats you should be able to just upload the relevant library file as a Results File. The peak lists are included in the library file.

Some search engines report the modifications within the peptide, some as one or more separate columns. Some search engines do not list fixed/constant modifications (as they are assumed to be there). If this is the case, then these modifications need to be selected in the Constant Mods item.

For Prospector results you have the choice whether or not to include constant modifications in the Search Compare results file. If you don't include them in your results file then you need to set them on the Constant Mods item.

For PRIDE XML, pepXML, BiblioSpec and MSFViewer the constant mods are included in the source file and written to the Mods column in the output. Thus you don't need to specify anything on the Constant Mods item.

The script to process Mascot CSV results copies the constant modifications from a header in the original file to a column in the output. Thus you don't need to specify anything on the Constant Mods item.

The scripts to process X!Tandem and MSF Viewer results files have no code to deal with constant mods. Thus whether or not you need to specify anything on the Constant Mods item depends on what is in the original results file you upload.

If you write your own script to process a results file it is up to you how you deal with constant modifications.

The uploaded peak list and results files allow MS-Viewer to match spectra to sequences, but it is necessary to tell MS-Viewer how to annotate the spectra. The user needs to specify what mass tolerance (in absolute or relative mass error) to consider when labeling peaks, and also the fragment ion types to consider. Fragment ions are either specified by the 'Instrument' setting: the ion types considered for each instrument setting are indicated here (link to table in batchtagman.htm) or can be manually specified under 'Ion Types' by deselecting 'Use instrument specific defaults to override ion types below', then selecting the ion types the user wishes annotated. As a default, MS-Viewer will display and annotate all peaks in the peak list file (unprocessed), but it is also possible to threshold the displaying and labeling of the peak list to only the 'n' most intense peaks, or 'n' most intense peaks per m/z 100.

MS-Viewer provides the option for the user to search any individual spectrum of interest using MS-Tag. As well as giving a second opinion on the interpretation of a spectrum if a different search engine was initially used, this also allows the user to search with different search parameters; e.g. searching against a different database or allowing for different modifications. In the 'MS-Tag Parameters' section of the MS-Viewer upload page the user can specify the default parameters to be set when opening a link to search a spectrum. Explanation of all these parameters are in the Batch-Tag manual.

When all of the information described above has been specified, click on 'Upload New Results'. This will upload the data and produce an MS-Viewer output. At this point the uploader should test whether the links work correctly. Clicking on a peptide sequence should display an annotated spectrum, and clicking on the spectrum identifier column (e.g. RT if this was indicated as the spectrum identifier when uploading) should open a link to MS-Tag from File. Expanding the 'Form Settings' at the top of the page allows the user to change any of the parameters that were previously specified, then one can regenerate the report to try to fix any mistakes.

When all parameters are set as desired and the links work, by clicking on 'Save Settings', then when one 'Regenerates Report' instead of re-displaying the results, a permanent url link is created to the results that includes a search key. Note down this Search Key: inputting this on the MS-Viewer home page will take users to the saved results.

As mentioned before, a video tutorial is also available to guide you through many of the steps described in this manual.

For details on options available when viewing an annotated spectrum, please see the MS-Product instruction manual.

If you have lots of data sets to import into MS-Viewer or the data sets are too large to import via the web interface it is possible to run MS-Viewer in a batch mode from the command line using the Perl script which is located in the cgi-bin directory. Examples of using the script are given below.

Firstly create a directory structure to hold files to upload to MS-Viewer. Eg on LINUX you could enter the follow commands.

mkdir msvdata
cd msvdata
mkdir peak
mkdir res

Next download the data sets that you want to import into MS-Viewer. As an example we will download some peak lists and the associated results files from the Proteome Exchange.

Firstly download the results files into the res directory.

cd res

Login as anonymous with no password. Then enter the following commands:

cd 2013/05/PXD000158
mget VK_H*.pep.xml
mget VK_D*.pep.xml

Next download the peak list files into the peak directory. Note that this step is unnecessary if the data format stores the peak lists in the results files.

cd ../peak

Login as anonymous with no password. Then enter the following commands:

cd 2013/05/PXD000158
mget VK_H*.ms2
mget VK_D*.ms2

Note that deletes the results and peak list files as it processes them so you might want to make a copy of them at this stage.

To connect to the msvdata directory enter the command:

cd ..

The next task is to identify which peak list file corresponds to which results file. If the results files and the corresponding peak list files don't align when sorted alphabetically then you should create two files called say peak.txt and res.txt. The peak.txt file should contain a list of the full paths of the peak list files (one per line) and the res.txt file should contain a list of the full paths of the results files (one per line). The first few lines of an example peak.txt file could be:


The corresponding lines of the res.txt file would then be:


It is necessary to create one or more files containing parameters for each time MS-Viewer runs. The parameters that need to be set are those that are different from the default parameters stored in params/msviewer/default.xml.

For example if all data sets require the same parameters you could create a file called params.xml with the following parameters. The .xml file suffix is mandetory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This parameter file ensures that, for example, the resulting MS-Viewer report is sorted by the xcorr score which is in column 7.

If multiple parameter files are required you could create them in a params subdirectory. You would then need a file relating the parameter files with the corresponding peak list and results files. Eg the file could be called params.txt and the first few lines could be:


It may be necessary to change the permissions on the files so that the user Apache uses can delete them. Eg for Debian you would enter the following commands:

cd ..
sudo chown -R www-data msvdata
sudo chgrp -R www-data msvdata

To run the script first connect to the cgi-bin directory. The command must be run from this directory.

cd /var/lib/prospector/web/cgi-bin

The script can be run with either 2 or 3 parameters. The first parameter specifies the parameters, the second the results files and the third the peak list files. The third parameter is optional to cover the case when the peak lists are stored in the results files.

For example assuming there are params.txt, res.txt and peak.txt files a typical command line would be:

sudo -u www-data ./ /home/ppsvr/msvdata/params.txt /home/ppsvr/msvdata/res.txt /home/ppsvr/msvdata/peak.txt

If you want to rely on alphabetic sorting of the results and peak list files then only the corresponding directories need to be specified. In the example below a single parameter file params.xml is also specified.

sudo -u www-data ./ /home/ppsvr/msvdata/params.xml /home/ppsvr/msvdata/res /home/ppsvr/msvdata/peak

Typical corresponding command lines for Windows could be: G:/msvdata/params.txt G:/msvdata/res.txt G:/msvdata/peak.txt

and: G:/msvdata/params.xml G:/msvdata/res G:/msvdata/peak

Parameters to Import Dataset
Name Default Value Valid Values
search_name "" needs to be set to msviewer
report_title "" text
version "" Must be set to current version number or be left blank
results_file_format "" Protein Prospector Tab Delimited, Protein Prospector Crosslinked Peptides Tab Delimited, PRIDE XML, pepXML, BiblioSpec, Thermo MSF, NIST MSP, Mascot CSV, MaxQuant, Thermo MSF Viewer, X!Tandem Tab Delimited, Other, any other entries added to params/viewer_conv.txt
const_mod None defined valid text strings formed from the information in params/usermod.txt. Example: Carbamidomethyl (C)
Parameters used when importing a dataset into MS-Viewer from the command line
cl_peak_list_filepath "" file path
cl_results_filepath "" file path
Parameters used when uploading data from the MS-Viewer form
upload_temp_peak_list "" file path
upload_temp_results "" file path
Parameters used after a dataset has been imported into MS-Viewer
peak_list_filepath "" file path
results_filepath "" file path
Parameter used to save a data set which has been uploaded by the MS-Viewer form to the repository
save_params 0 0, 1
search_key "" 10 character alphanumeric key
Parameters for results_file_format=Other
column_separator "" Tab Delimited, CSV
num_title_lines 0 positive integer or zero
num_header_lines 0 positive integer or zero
column_num_fraction Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
spectrum_identifier "" Protein Prospector RT, Scan Title (Mascot/X!Tandem), Spectrum Number, m/z, Scan Number
column_num_scan_id Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_peptide Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_z Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
modifications "" Variable Mods In Peptide, All Mods In Peptide, Variable Mods Column, All Mods (1 Column), All Mods (2 Columns)
column_num_constant_mod Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_variable_mod Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_all_mod Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
MaxQuant Specific Parameters
instrument_filter "" A string to match the contents from the Fragmentation column in the msms.txt file
probability_limit 0.05 double value between 0 and 1
remove_replicates 0 0, 1
silac_label No Labels No Labels or entry from the file params/mq_silac_options.txt
Report Display Parameters (HTML only)
rows_per_page 20 Non-zero positive integer or All
page 1 Non-zero positive integer
Report Filtering Parameters - Note that the column numbers are those after any preprocessing
column_num_filter_1 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_filter_2 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
filter_type_1 Equals Equals, Not Equal To, Greater Than Alphabetic, Greater Than Numeric, Less Than Alphabetic, Less Than Numeric, Contains, Prefix, Suffix
filter_type_2 Equals Equals, Not Equal To, Greater Than Alphabetic, Greater Than Numeric, Less Than Alphabetic, Less Than Numeric, Contains, Prefix, Suffix
filter_value_1 None Defined list of text strings
filter_value_2 None Defined list of text strings
Report Sorting Parameters - Note that the column numbers are those after any preprocessing
column_num_sort_level_1 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_sort_level_2 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_sort_level_3 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
column_num_sort_level_4 Undefined Undefined or non-zero positive integer
sort_order_direction_1 Ascending Ascending or Descending
sort_order_direction_2 Ascending Ascending or Descending
sort_order_direction_3 Ascending Ascending or Descending
sort_order_direction_4 Ascending Ascending or Descending
sort_order_type_1 Alphabetic Alphabetic or Numeric
sort_order_type_2 Alphabetic Alphabetic or Numeric
sort_order_type_3 Alphabetic Alphabetic or Numeric
sort_order_type_4 Alphabetic Alphabetic or Numeric
MS-Product Link Parameters
parent_mass_convert monoisotopic monoisotopic, average
fragment_masses_tolerance 1.0 double
fragment_masses_tolerance_units Da Da, %, ppm, mmu
instrument_name "" valid text strings from params/instrument.txt
msms_pk_filter Max MSMS Pks Max MSMS Pks, Max MSMS Pks / 100 Da or Unprocessed MSMS
msms_max_peaks "" integer
link_search_type No Link valid text strings defined in params/links.txt
use_instrument_ion_types 0 0,1
it None Defined a,a-H2O,a-NH3,a-H3PO4,
MS-Tag Link Parameters
database "" valid prefixes: Genpept, gen, SwissProt, swp, Owl, owl, UniProt, Ludwignr, NCBInr, nr, dbEST, dbest, pdbEST, pdbest, IPI, ipi, DA, DN, PA, PN, pDA, pDN, Pdefault, Ddefault, pDdefault. User Protein is another possible selection. Multiple databases may be specified.
user_protein_sequence "" proteins in FASTA format
dna_frame_translation 3 6, 3, -3, 1, -1
n_term_aa_limit "" Non-zero positive integer or blank
species All valid text strings from params/taxonomy.txt, params/taxonomy_groups.txt or All
output_type HTML HTML, XML
results_to_file 0 0, 1
output_filename "" file name
enzyme Trypsin valid text strings from params/enzyme.txt or params/enzyme_comb.txt
allow_non_specific at 0 termini at 0 termini, at 1 termini, at 2 termini, at N termini, at C termini, N termini-1=D
missed_cleavages 1 integer
const_mod2 None defined valid text strings formed from the information in params/usermod.txt. Example: Carbamidomethyl (C)
msms_prot_low_mass 1000 integer
msms_prot_high_mass 100000 integer
msms_full_mw_range 0 0, 1
low_pi 3.0 double
high_pi 10.0 double
full_pi_range 0 0, 1
results_from_file 0 0, 1
input_program_name msfit msfit, mstag, mspattern, msseq, mshomology
input_filename "" file name
species_remove 0 0, 1
species_names None Defined list of text strings
accession_nums None Defined list of text strings
names None Defined list of text strings
add_accession_numbers None Defined list of text strings
comment "" text
msms_max_reported_hits 50 integer
msms_pk_filter2 Max MSMS Pks Max MSMS Pks, Max MSMS Pks / 100 Da or Unprocessed MSMS
msms_max_peaks2 "" integer
expect_calc_method None None, Linear Tail Fit
msms_mod_AA None defined valid text strings formed from the information in params/usermod.txt. Example: Oxidation (M)
msms_max_modifications 1 integer
msms_max_peptide_permutations "" Non zero positive integer or blank
mod_range_type Da Da, m/z
mod_start_nominal 0 integer
mod_end_nominal 0 integer
mod_defect 0.0 double
mod_max_z 1 Non-zero positive integer
mod_comp_ion None defined A,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,Y
mod_n_term_type Peptide Protein, Peptide
mod_n_term 0 0, 1
mod_c_term_type Peptide Protein, Peptide
mod_c_term 0 0, 1
mod_uncleaved 0 0, 1
mod_neutral_loss 0 0, 1
link_search_type2 No Link valid text strings defined in params/links.txt
max_saved_tag_hits 1000 Non-zero positive integer
link_aa "" string of the form C->C where the amino acids on each side of the cross-link are separated by ->. If there are multiple possibilities they should be separated by commas (eg. K,R->K,R). If one possibility is the protein N or C-terminus use this notation: K,Protein N-term->Q.
bridge_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_1_label "" string
aa_modified_1 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_1_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_2_label "" string
aa_modified_2 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_2_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_3_label "" string
aa_modified_3 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_3_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_4_label "" string
aa_modified_4 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_4_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_5_label "" string
aa_modified_5 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_5_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
mod_6_label "" string
aa_modified_6 "" An amino acid code or string such as Protein N-term.
mod_6_composition "" Elemental formula of the form Cx Hy Oz etc where x, y and z are integers. Elements defined in params/elements.txt can be used.
msms_search_type None defined valid text strings formed from the file params/homology.txt.
msms_precursor_charge Automatic Automatic or non-zero positive integer
parent_mass_convert2 monoisotopic monoisotopic, average
msms_parent_mass_tolerance 0.5 double
msms_parent_mass_tolerance_units Da Da, %, ppm, mmu
msms_parent_mass_systematic_error 0.0 double
fragment_masses_tolerance2 1.0 double
fragment_masses_tolerance_units2 Da Da, %, ppm, mmu
instrument_name2 "" valid text strings from params/instrument.txt
uploads_optional 1 needs to be set to 1
use_instrument_ion_types2 0 0,1

You can form a URL to display an MS-Viewer dataset such as:

Parameters to Retrieve Saved Dataset from MS-Viewer Repository
Name Default Value Valid Values
search_key "" 10 character alphanumeric key
rows_per_page 20 Non-zero positive integer or All
page 1 Non-zero positive integer
viewer_output_type "" HTML, Tab delimited text, Tab delimited text with URL, Viewer files
search_name "" needs to be set to msviewer
report_title "" text

Note you can also use the sorting/filtering option and the MS-Product/MS-Tag link parameters (see above) to override the saved defaults.

use strict;

package Modification; {
	sub new {
		my $class = shift();
		my $self = {};
		bless $self, $class;
		my ( $v1, $v2, $v3 ) = @_;
		$self->{mod} = $v1;
		$self->{res} = $v2;
		$self->{term} = $v3;
		return $self;

package main; {

	my $inFName = $ARGV[0];
	my $outFName = $ARGV[1];
	open(INFILE,"<$inFName") || die "cannot read filter file";
	open(OUTFILE,">$outFName" ) || die "cannot create output file";
	my $phase = 0;
	my $pepSeqCol = 0;
	my $pepModCol = 0;
	my %constMod = ();
	my %varMod = ();
	my $line;
	my $lineEnd = "";
	while ( $line = <INFILE> ) {
		if ( $lineEnd eq "" ) {
			if ( $line =~ /\r/ ) {
				$lineEnd = "\r\n";
			else {
				$lineEnd = "\n";
		$line =~ s/\s+$//;					#remove any white space from end of line
		if ( $line =~ /^\"*Fixed modifications\"*/ ) {
			$phase = 1;
		if ( $line =~ /^\"*Variable modifications\"*/ ) {
			$phase = 2;
		if ( $line =~ /^\"*Protein hits\"*/ ) {
			$phase = 3;
		if ( $phase == 1 ) {		#define the constant modifications
			if ( $line =~ /^(\d+),(.+) \((.+)\),([+-]?(\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+))/ ) {
				$constMod{$1} = &addModification ( $2, $3 );
		elsif ( $phase == 2 ) {		#define the variable modifications
			if ( $line =~ /^(\d+),\"*(.+) \((.+)\)\"*,([+-]?(\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+))/ ) {
				$varMod{$1} = &addModification ( $2, $3 );
		elsif ( $phase == 3 ) {		#modify the column headers
			if ( $line =~ s/pep_var_mod,pep_var_mod_pos/pep_mod/ ) {
				my @headers = &splitCommaNotQuote ( $line );
				my $size = @headers;
				for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $size ; $i++ ) {
					if ( $headers [$i] eq "pep_seq" ) {
						$pepSeqCol = $i;
					if ( $headers [$i] eq "pep_mod" ) {
						$pepModCol = $i;
				print OUTFILE $line . $lineEnd;
				$phase = 4;
		elsif ( $phase == 4 ) {
			my @fields = &splitCommaNotQuote ( $line );
			my $siz = @fields;
			my $mods = &doConstModString ( $fields [$pepSeqCol] ) . &doVariableModString ( $fields [$pepModCol+1] );
			chop $mods;				#get rid of last semi colon
			for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
				my $f = $fields [$i];
				if ( $i == $pepModCol ) {
					$f = $mods;
					$i++;					#mods are now in a single column
				if ( $f =~ /,/ ) {
					print OUTFILE "\"" . $f . "\"";
				else {
					print OUTFILE $f;
				if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
					print OUTFILE ",";
			print OUTFILE $lineEnd;
	close INFILE;
	close OUTFILE;

	sub addModification {
		my ( $mod, $res ) = @_;
		my $term = "";
		if ( $res =~ /C-term(.*)$/ ) {
			if ( $1 eq "" ) {
				$res = "";
				$term = "c";
			else {
				$res = substr $1, 1;
		elsif ( $res =~ /N-term(.*)$/ ) {
			if ( $1 eq "" ) {
				$res = "";
				$term = "n";
			else {
				$res = substr $1, 1;
		return new Modification ( $mod, $res, $term );
	sub splitCommaNotQuote {
		my ( $line ) = @_;

		my @fields = ();

		while ( $line =~ m/((\")([^\"]*)\"|[^,]*)(,|$)/g ) {
			if ( $2 ) {
				push( @fields, $3 );
			else {
				push( @fields, $1 );
			last if ( ! $4 );
		return @fields;
	sub doConstModString {
		my ( $peptide ) = @_;

		my $constModStr = "";

		for my $key ( keys %constMod ) {
			my $cMod = $constMod{$key};
			my $mod = $cMod->{mod};
			my $res = $cMod->{res};
			my $term = $cMod->{term};
			if ( $term eq "n" ) {
				$constModStr .= $mod . '@N-term;';
			elsif ( $term eq "c" ) {
				$constModStr .= $mod . '@C-term;';
			else {
				my $i;
				my $len = length $res;
				for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i++ ) {
					my $aa = substr $res, $i, 1;
					my $idx = 0;
					while ( 1 ) {
						$idx = index ( $peptide, $aa, $idx );
						if ( $idx == -1 ) {
						$constModStr .= $mod . "@" . ( $idx + 1 ) . ";";
						$idx += 1;
		return $constModStr;
	sub doVariableModString {
		my ( $mask ) = @_;
		my $len = length $mask;

		my $varModStr = "";
		if ( $len > 0 ) {
			my $nterm = substr $mask, 0, 1;
			if ( $nterm ne "0" ) {
				if ( $varMod {$nterm}->{res} eq "" ) {
					$varModStr .= $varMod {$nterm}->{mod} . '@N-term;';
				else {
					$varModStr .= $varMod {$nterm}->{mod} . '@1;';
			for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < $len - 2 ; $i++ ) {
				my $aa = substr $mask, $i, 1;
				if ( $aa ne "0" ) {
					$varModStr .= $varMod {$aa}->{mod} . "@" . ( $i - 1 ) . ";";
			my $cterm = substr $mask, $len - 1;
			if ( $cterm ne "0" ) {
				if ( $varMod {$cterm}->{res} eq "" ) {
					$varModStr .= $varMod {$cterm}->{mod} . '@C-term;';
				else {
					$varModStr .= $varMod {$cterm}->{mod} . "@" . ( $len - 4 ) . ";";
		return $varModStr;

use strict;

package main; {

	my $inFName = $ARGV[0];
	my $outFName = $ARGV[1];
	open(INFILE,"<$inFName") || die "cannot read filter file";
	open(OUTFILE,">$outFName" ) || die "cannot create output file";
	my $phase = 1;
	my $pepModCol = 0;
	my $line;
	my $lineEnd = "";
	while ( $line = <INFILE> ) {
		if ( $lineEnd eq "" ) {
			if ( $line =~ /\r/ ) {
				$lineEnd = "\r\n";
			else {
				$lineEnd = "\n";
		$line =~ s/\s+$//;					#remove any white space from end of line
		if ( $phase == 1 ) {									#looking for the header line
			my @columns = &splitCommaNotQuote ( $line );
			my $siz = @columns;
			if ( $line =~ s/Modified Sequence/Modifications/ ) {
				for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
					if ( $columns [$i] eq "Modified Sequence" ) {
						$pepModCol = $i;
						print OUTFILE $line . $lineEnd;
						$phase = 2;
		if ( $phase == 2 ) {
			my @fields = &splitCommaNotQuote ( $line );
			my $siz = @fields;
			my $mods = &doVariableModString ( $fields [$pepModCol-1], $fields [$pepModCol] );
			chop $mods;
			for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
				my $f = $fields [$i];
				if ( $i == $pepModCol ) {
					$f = $mods;
				if ( $f =~ /,/ ) {
					print OUTFILE "\"" . $f . "\"";
				else {
					print OUTFILE $f;
				if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
					print OUTFILE ",";
			print OUTFILE $lineEnd;
	close INFILE;
	close OUTFILE;

	sub splitCommaNotQuote {
		my ( $line ) = @_;

		my @fields = ();

		while ( $line =~ m/((\")([^\"]*)\"|[^,]*)(,|$)/g ) {
			if ( $2 ) {
				push( @fields, $3 );
			else {
				push( @fields, $1 );
			last if ( ! $4 );
		return @fields;
	sub doVariableModString {
		my ( $pep, $mods ) = @_;
		my @parts = split ( /[<>-]+/, $mods );
		my @delims = split ( /[^<>-]+/, $mods );
		my $off = 0;
		my $pepLen = length $pep;
		my $nterm;
		my $cterm;
		my $curMod;
		my $varModStr = "";
		my $delimIdx = 0;
		for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @parts ; $i++ ) {
			my $p = $parts[$i];
			my $len = length $p;
			if ( $off == $pepLen ) {
				$cterm .= $p . $delims[$delimIdx];
			if ( $p eq substr ( $pep, $off, $len ) ) {	# this is sequence
				$off += $len;
				if ( $nterm ne "" ) {
					chop $nterm;
					if ( $nterm ne "NH2" ) {
						$varModStr .= $nterm . '@N-term;';
					$nterm = "";
				if ( $curMod ne "" ) {
					chop $curMod;
					$varModStr .= $curMod . "@" . ( $off - $len ) . ";";
					$curMod = "";
			if ( $off == 0 ) {
				$nterm .= $p . $delims[$delimIdx];
			else {
				$curMod .= $p . $delims[$delimIdx];
		if ( $cterm ne "COOH" ) {
			$varModStr .= $cterm . '@C-term;';
		return $varModStr;

use strict;

my $inFName = $ARGV[0];
my $outFName = $ARGV[1];
open(INFILE,"<$inFName") || die "cannot read filter file";
open(OUTFILE,">$outFName" ) || die "cannot create output file";
my $phase = 1;
my $pepModCol = 0;
my $startCol = 0;
my $line;
while ( $line = <INFILE> ) {
	my @columns = split ( "\t", $line );
	my $siz = @columns;
	if ( $columns [0] eq "Spectrum" ) {					#this is the header line
		for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
			if ( $columns [$i] eq "start" ) {
				$startCol = $i;
			elsif ( $columns [$i] eq "modifications" ) {
				$pepModCol = $i;
		print OUTFILE $line;
		$phase = 2;
	if ( $phase == 2 ) {
		my $mod = $columns [$pepModCol];
		my $oMod;
		if ( $mod !~ /^\s*$/ ) {				# If the mod is not blank 
			my $start = $columns [$startCol];
			my @singMods = split ( ",", $mod );
			foreach ( @singMods ) {
				if ( /\[(\d+)\] ([+-]?(\d+\.\d+|\d+\.|\.\d+))/ ) {
					$oMod .= $2;
					$oMod .= '@';
					$oMod .= $1 - $start + 1;
					$oMod .= ';';
			chop $oMod;							#delete last semi colon
		for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
			my $f = $columns [$i];
			if ( $i == $pepModCol ) {
				$f = $oMod;
			print OUTFILE $f;
			if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
				print OUTFILE "\t";
close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;

use strict;

package AmbiguousMods; {
	my $numSites;
	my @sites;
	my @sequence;
	my $aMods;

	sub new {
		my ( $probStr, $type, $probLimit ) = @_;
		$aMods = "";
		if ( $probStr !~ /^\s*$/ ) {				# If the string is not blank
			my $offset = 0;
			my $totalProb = 0;
			while ( $probStr =~ /(\(.+?\))/g ) {
				my $prob = $1;
				chop $prob;							# Strip last character
				substr $prob, 0, 1, "";				# Strip first character
				$totalProb += $prob;
				my $pos = $-[0] - $offset;
				if ( $prob > 1.0 - $probLimit ) {
					if ( $aMods eq "" ) {					
						$aMods .= $type;
						$aMods .= '@';
					else {
						$aMods .= '&';
					$aMods .= $pos;
					$totalProb -= 1;
				elsif ( $prob > $probLimit ) {
					push ( @sites, $pos );
				$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
			if ( $aMods ne "" ) {					
				$aMods .= ';';
			$numSites = int ( $totalProb + 0.5 );
			if ( $numSites == 0 ) {
				return $aMods;
			$aMods .= $type;
			$aMods .= '@';
			if ( $numSites == @sites ) {
				foreach my $s (@sites) {
					$aMods .= $s;
					$aMods .= '&';
			else {
				&getNext ( 0 );
			chop $aMods;
			$aMods .= ';';
		return $aMods;
	sub getNext {
		my ( $level ) = @_;
		for ( my $i = $level ; $i < @sites ; $i++ ) {
			push ( @sequence, $sites [$i] );
			if ( @sequence < $numSites ) {
				$level += 1;
				&getNext ( $level );
			else {
				for my $s (@sequence) {
					$aMods .= $s;
					$aMods .= '&';
				chop $aMods;
				$aMods .= '|';
			pop ( @sequence );

package main; {
	my $nargs = @ARGV;
	my $filterType;
	my $inFName;
	my $outFName;
	my $probLimit;
	my $labels;
	$inFName = $ARGV[0];
	$outFName = $ARGV[1];
	$probLimit = $ARGV[2];
	$labels = $ARGV[3];
	if ( $nargs > 4 ) {
		$filterType = $ARGV[4];
	$labels = substr $labels, 7;
	my %silac;
	my @silacAA = ();
	my %setSilacAA;
	my $silacNTerm = 0;
	my $silacZeroLabel = 0;
	if ( $labels !~ /^\s*$/ ) {				# If the string is not blank
		my @silacLabels = split ( "@", $labels );
		foreach my $sLabel ( @silacLabels ) {
			my $sAA = substr $sLabel, 0, 1;
			if ( $sAA ne "n" ) {
				if ( !(defined $setSilacAA{$sAA}) ) {
					$setSilacAA{$sAA} = 1;
					push @silacAA, $sAA;
			else {
				$silacNTerm = 1;
			my $sAANum = substr $sLabel, 0, 2;
			my $sNum = substr $sLabel, 1, 1;
			if ( $sNum eq "0" ) {
				$silacZeroLabel = 1;
			my $sMod = substr $sLabel, 2;
			$sMod .= '@';
			$silac{$sAANum} = $sMod;
	my $silacAAs;
	foreach ( @silacAA ) {
		$silacAAs .= "|" . $_;
	my $silacRE = "(\\(.+?\\)" . $silacAAs . ")";
	my $silacRegExp = qr /$silacRE/;

	open(INFILE,"<$inFName") || die "cannot read input file";
	open(OUTFILE,">$outFName" ) || die "cannot create output file";
	my $phase = 1;
	my $modSeqCol = 0;
	my $fragCol = 0;
	my $silacCol = 0;

	my $oxProbCol = 0;
	my $phProbCol = 0;
	my $caProbCol = 0;
	my $coProbCol = 0;
	my $acProbCol = 0;
	my $d3acProbCol = 0;
	my $deProbCol = 0;
	my $ggProbCol = 0;
	my $laggProbCol = 0;
	my $hibProbCol = 0;
	my $suProbCol = 0;
	my $as1ProbCol = 0;
	my $as2ProbCol = 0;
	my $crProbCol = 0;
	my $ohProbCol = 0;
	my $fuProbCol = 0;
	my $heProbCol = 0;
	my $kbProbCol = 0;

	my $carbamylCol = 0;
	my $nTermBiotCol = 0;

	my $line;
	my @columns;

	while ( $line =  ) {
		@columns = split ( "\t", $line );
		my $siz = @columns;
		my $flag = 0;
		for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
			if ( uc($columns [$i]) eq uc("Raw File") ) {
				$flag = 1;
		if ( $flag == 1 ) {					#this is the header line
			for ( my $j = 0 ; $j < $siz ; $j++ ) {
				if ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Modified sequence") ) {
					$modSeqCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Oxidation (M) Probabilities") ) {
					$oxProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Phospho (STY) Probabilities") || uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Phospho (ST) Probabilities") ) {
					$phProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Carbamidomethyl (C) Probabilities") ) {
					$caProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Copy of Lys8 Probabilities") ) {
					$coProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Acetyl (K) Probabilities") ) {
					$acProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("D3_Acetyl (K) Probabilities") ) {
					$d3acProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Deamidation (NQ) Probabilities") || uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Deamid (NQ) Probabilities") ) {
					$deProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("GlyGly (K) Probabilities") ) {
					$ggProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("LeuArgGlyGly (K) Probabilities") ) {
					$laggProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Hib (K) Probabilities") ) {
					$hibProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Succi(K) Probabilities") ) {
					$suProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Asparagine Hydroxylation Probabilities") ) {
					$as1ProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Asn->Asp Probabilities") ) {
					$as2ProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Crotony(K) Probabilities") || uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("crotonyl Probabilities") ) {
					$crProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("2-OHib(K) Probabilities") ) {
					$ohProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Fuc(1)HexNAc(1) (N) Probabilities") ) {
					$fuProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("HexNAc (N) Probabilities") ) {
					$heProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("K-Biot Probabilities") ) {
					$kbProbCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Carbamyl (N-Term)") ) {
					$carbamylCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("N-termBiot") ) {
					$nTermBiotCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Fragmentation") ) {
					$fragCol = $j;
				elsif ( uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("Labeling State") || uc($columns [$j]) eq uc("SILAC State") ) {
					$silacCol = $j;
			$line =~ s/Modified sequence/Variable mods/i;
			if ( $filterType ne "" ) {
				$line =~ s/Fragmentation\t//i;			#delete Fragmentation column (i - ignore case)
			print OUTFILE $line;
			$phase = 2;
		if ( $phase == 2 ) {						# example _(ac)AAAAAAAGDSDS(ph)WDADAFSVEDPVR_
			my $oMod = &getModificationString ( $columns [$modSeqCol], $columns [$silacCol] );
			if ( $filterType ne "" ) {
				my $fragmentation = $columns [$fragCol];
				if ( $fragmentation eq $filterType ) {	# only include rows of the correct fragmentation type
					for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
						my $f = $columns [$i];
						if ( $i == $modSeqCol ) {
							$f = $oMod;
						if ( $i != $fragCol ) {			# don't output the fragmentation column
							print OUTFILE $f;
							if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
								print OUTFILE "\t";
			else {
				for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
					my $f = $columns [$i];
					if ( $i == $modSeqCol ) {
						$f = $oMod;
					print OUTFILE $f;
					if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
						print OUTFILE "\t";
	close INFILE;
	close OUTFILE;

	sub getModificationString {
		my ( $mod, $label ) = @_;
		$mod =~ tr/p//d;						# delete lower case p (Phospho)
		my $oMod;
		my $offset = 0;
		my $nterm = 0;
		if ( $mod !~ /^\s*$/ ) {				# If the mod is not blank
			$mod = substr ( $mod, 1 );			# delete first character
			chop $mod;					# delete last character
			while ( $mod =~ /$silacRegExp/g ) {		# ? means non-greedy otherwise can match (ac)AAAAAAAGDSDS(ph)
				if ( $1 eq "(ac)" || $1 eq "(Acetyl (Protein N-term)" ) {
					if ( $-[0] == 0 ) {
						$oMod .= "Acetyl@";
						$oMod .= "N-term";
						$oMod .= ';';
						$nterm = 1;
					else {
						if ( $probLimit >= 1 ) {
							$oMod .= "Acetyl@";
							$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset;
							$oMod .= ';';
					$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
				elsif ( $nTermBiotCol && $1 eq "(N-termBiot)" ) {
					$oMod .= "Biotin@" . "N-term";
					$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
					$oMod .= ';';
					$nterm = 1;
				elsif ( $1 eq "(gl)" ) {
					if ( $ggProbCol ) {
						if ( $probLimit >= 1 ) {
							$oMod .= "GlyGly@";
							$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset;
							$oMod .= ';';
						$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
					else {
						$oMod .= "Gln->pyro-Glu@" . "N-term";
						$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
						$oMod .= ';';
						$nterm = 1;
				elsif ( $carbamylCol && $1 eq "(ca)" ) {
					$oMod .= "Carbamyl@" . "N-term";
					$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
					$oMod .= ';';
					$nterm = 1;
				elsif ( substr ( $1, 0, 1 ) eq "(" ) {
					if ( $probLimit >= 1 ) {
						if ( $1 eq "(ph)" || $1 eq "(Phospho (STY)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Phospho@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(ca)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Carbamidomethyl@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(ox)" || $1 eq "(Oxidation (M)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Oxidation@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(le)" ) {
							$oMod .= "LeuArgGlyGly@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(hi)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Hydroxyisobutyryl@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(co)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Label:13C(6)15N(2)@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(de)" || $1 eq "(Deamidated (NQ)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Deamidated@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(d3)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Acetyl:2H(3)@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(su)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Succinyl@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(as)" ) {
							if ( $as1ProbCol ) {
								$oMod .= "Oxidation@";
							elsif ( $as2ProbCol ) {
								$oMod .= "Asn->Asp@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(cr)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Crotonyl@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(2-)" ) {
							$oMod .= "Hydroxyisobutyryl@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(he)" ) {
							$oMod .= "HexNAc@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(fu)" ) {
							$oMod .= "HexNAcFuc@";
						elsif ( $1 eq "(K-Biot" ) {
							$oMod .= "Biotin@";
						$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset;
						$oMod .= ';';
					$offset += $+[0] - $-[0];
				else {
					foreach ( @silacAA ) {
						my $aa = $_;

						if ( $1 eq $aa ) {
							if ( $label eq "0" ) {
								if ( $silacZeroLabel ) {
									$oMod .= $silac { $aa . "0" };
									$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset + 1;
									$oMod .= ';';
							elsif ( $label eq "1" || $label eq "Heavy" ) {
								$oMod .= $silac { $aa . "1" };
								$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset + 1;
								$oMod .= ';';
							elsif ( $label eq "2" ) {
								$oMod .= $silac { $aa . "2" };
								$oMod .= $-[0] - $offset + 1;
								$oMod .= ';';
			if ( $silacNTerm && $nterm == 0 ) {
				if ( $label eq "0" ) {
					if ( $silacZeroLabel ) {
						$oMod .= $silac { "n0" };
						$oMod .= "N-term";
						$oMod .= ';';
				elsif ( $label eq "1" || $label eq "Heavy" ) {
					$oMod .= $silac { "n1" };
					$oMod .= "N-term";
					$oMod .= ';';
				elsif ( $label eq "2" ) {
					$oMod .= $silac { "n2" };
					$oMod .= "N-term";
					$oMod .= ';';
			if ( $probLimit < 1.0 ) {
				if ( $oxProbCol && length $columns [$oxProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$oxProbCol], "Oxidation", $probLimit );
				if ( $phProbCol && length $columns [$phProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$phProbCol], "Phospho", $probLimit );
				if ( $caProbCol && length $columns [$caProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$caProbCol], "Carbamidomethyl", $probLimit );
				if ( $coProbCol && length $columns [$coProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$coProbCol], "Label:13C(6)15N(2)", $probLimit );
				if ( $acProbCol && length $columns [$acProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$acProbCol], "Acetyl", $probLimit );
				if ( $d3acProbCol && length $columns [$d3acProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$d3acProbCol], "Acetyl:2H(3)", $probLimit );
				if ( $deProbCol && length $columns [$deProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$deProbCol], "Deamidated", $probLimit );
				if ( $ggProbCol && length $columns [$ggProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$ggProbCol], "GlyGly", $probLimit );
				if ( $laggProbCol && length $columns [$laggProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$laggProbCol], "LeuArgGlyGly", $probLimit );
				if ( $hibProbCol && length $columns [$hibProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$hibProbCol], "Hydroxyisobutyryl", $probLimit );
				if ( $suProbCol && length $columns [$suProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$suProbCol], "Succinyl", $probLimit );
				if ( $as1ProbCol && length $columns [$as1ProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$as1ProbCol], "Oxidation", $probLimit );
				if ( $as2ProbCol && length $columns [$as2ProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$as2ProbCol], "Asn->Asp", $probLimit );
				if ( $crProbCol && length $columns [$crProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$crProbCol], "Crotonyl", $probLimit );
				if ( $ohProbCol && length $columns [$ohProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$ohProbCol], "Hydroxyisobutyryl", $probLimit );
				if ( $fuProbCol && length $columns [$fuProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$fuProbCol], "HexNAcFuc", $probLimit );
				if ( $heProbCol && length $columns [$heProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$heProbCol], "HexNAc", $probLimit );
				if ( $kbProbCol && length $columns [$kbProbCol] ) {
					$oMod .= AmbiguousMods::new ( $columns [$kbProbCol], "Biotin", $probLimit );
			chop $oMod;
		return $oMod;

use strict;

my $inFName = $ARGV[0];
my $outFName = $ARGV[1];
open(INFILE,"<$inFName") || die "cannot read filter file";
open(OUTFILE,">$outFName" ) || die "cannot create output file";
my $phase = 1;
my $seqCol = 0;
my $pepModCol = 0;
my $fracCol = 0;
my $line;
my $lineEnd = "";
while ( $line = <INFILE> ) {
	if ( $lineEnd eq "" ) {
		if ( $line =~ /\r/ ) {
			$lineEnd = "\r\n";
		else {
			$lineEnd = "\n";
	$line =~ s/\R//g;								# Remove the line end
	my @columns = split ( "\t", $line );
	my $siz = @columns;
	if ( $phase == 1 ) {
		if ( $columns [0] eq "Scan Number" ) {					#this is the header line
			for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
				if ( $columns [$i] eq "Sequence" ) {
					$seqCol = $i;
				elsif ( $columns [$i] eq "Modifications" ) {
					$pepModCol = $i;
				elsif ( $columns [$i] eq "Filename" ) {
					$fracCol = $i;
			$phase = 2;
		print OUTFILE $line . $lineEnd;
	elsif ( $phase == 2 ) {
		my $seq = $columns [$seqCol];
		my $oSeq = uc ($seq);
		my $mod = $columns [$pepModCol];
		my $oMod;
		if ( $mod !~ /^\s*$/ ) {				# If the mod is not blank 
			my @singMods = split ( ";", $mod );
			foreach ( @singMods ) {
				if ( /\w(\d+)\(([^\s\|]+)\|[^s\)]+\)/ ) {	# M1(Oxidation|15.994915|variable);M3(Oxidation|15.994915|variable)
					$oMod .= $2;
					$oMod .= '@';
					$oMod .= $1;
					$oMod .= ';';
			chop $oMod;
		my $frac = $columns [$fracCol];
		my $oFrac = substr ( $frac, 0, -4 );					#chop off file suffix
		for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $siz ; $i++ ) {
			my $f = $columns [$i];
			if ( $i == $seqCol ) {
				$f = $oSeq;
			elsif ( $i == $pepModCol ) {
				$f = $oMod;
			elsif ( $i == $fracCol ) {
				$f = $oFrac;
			print OUTFILE $f;
			if ( $i != $siz - 1 ) {
				print OUTFILE "\t";
			else {
				print OUTFILE $lineEnd;
close INFILE;
close OUTFILE;